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© Consorzio Promozione Turistica della Citta di Bergamo
Panorama Bergamo Mappa Bergamo Bergamo Golf Bergamo servizi esclusivi Hotel Bergamo IETM SPRING MEETING Costantino Rocca Golf Clinic Bergamo
E' una città. Soltanto una città. Ma che città! L’incomparabile, la stupenda si chiama Bergamo (Rudolf Von Klaus)
Si trova in una posizione strategica per visitare Milano e il Nord Italia
Trovarsi sul tee di partenza di un campo tutto da scoprire!
Servizi su misura di livello superiore!
Le migliori strutture presenti in città a vostro completo servizio!
Bergamo Italy, 23- 26 Aprile 2015
Golf Clinic
Per tutti i livelli e per i privati, per gruppi, aziende e istituzioni
Hotel Città dei Mille
Via Autostrada 3/c - 24126 Bergamo (Bergamo)
Hotel Città dei Mille General information
General information
Hospitality is our password.

In our entertainment rooms, you can read, watch television, pause at the internet point, work at one's own notebook thanks to Wi Fi area, sip a drink or admire renaissance edicts, original prints and photos.

A buffet breakfast is offered as a complimentary welcome. You will taste sliced ham, salami, cheese and also local specialities of our country served each morning with everything one could wish to start the day well.

At dinner, for who would like to stay in hotel, we offer a snak bar service with fresh salad, ham, salami, cheese and quick courses served with typical wines.

This is a choise we offer the hotel guest before enjoying a good rest,
but not only a quiet rest,
a "garibaldino" rest before the daily fight.
Hotel Città dei Mille Rooms
Our rooms furnished with personality, are arranged on seven floors, each different in colour, offering the hotel guest a choise of style on each occasion.
Your pets are welcome.
How to find us

Coming from the Torino-Trieste motorway, Bergamo is a strategic exit ( about 40 kilometers far from the Milano and Brescia exit ).
After the Bergamo toll gate you will find a roundabout, take the third exit to "Bergamo centre" .
After the connective road ( one kilometer ) go straight on and you will find a crossroad regulated by a traffic lights : the hotel is after the crossroad, on your right, in correspondence of a big, yellow and red flag, symbol of the City.


The roundabout of referency is the same who comes from the A4 motorway, in proximity to the way in, take the direction to “Bergamo centre” .

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