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Italiano Inglese
© Consorzio Promozione Turistica della Citta di Bergamo
Panorama Bergamo Mappa Bergamo Bergamo Golf Bergamo servizi esclusivi Hotel Bergamo IETM SPRING MEETING Costantino Rocca Golf Clinic Bergamo
E' una città. Soltanto una città. Ma che città! L’incomparabile, la stupenda si chiama Bergamo (Rudolf Von Klaus)
Si trova in una posizione strategica per visitare Milano e il Nord Italia
Trovarsi sul tee di partenza di un campo tutto da scoprire!
Servizi su misura di livello superiore!
Le migliori strutture presenti in città a vostro completo servizio!
Bergamo Italy, 23- 26 Aprile 2015
Golf Clinic
Per tutti i livelli e per i privati, per gruppi, aziende e istituzioni

IETM Spring Plenary Meeting, Bergamo - Italy, 23 - 26 April 2015

Inspired by the perspectives for a better Tomorrow, designed in Athens, and enriched by the energy of the Space for Change created in Sofia, we invite you to discover the next phase – the phase of fostering a profound change for a sustainable future through Regeneration.
Today, struggling to emerge from the crisis, we carry our luggage of unrealized projects and forgotten dreams. Instead of fixing the broken puzzle, we tend to start with a blank slate.Some centuries ago, the miracle of the Renaissance awakened the cultural energy in Italy, gave rebirth to the country’s prosperity and enriched all of Europe. In the late middleages, culture fulfilled its role of changing society for the better. And what about today?

Next spring IETM goes back to Italy to reflect on how to revive the resources that are already there, instead of abandoning and moving away from them. We will reflect together on the role of culture in reviving the forgotten potential, rebuilding decayed places and reconnecting disintegrated communities. Our meeting will discuss the urgent need to build a sustainable future through awakening the energy of the past.

IETM Bergamo is organised by Associazione Etre in collaboration with Ministry of Culture and Heritage, Lombardy Region, Municipality of Bergamo and Cariplo Bank Foundation and the project is under the patronage of the Committee of the Italian Regions and Bergamo's Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Discover Bergamo and ATB.


We have negotiated with our member hoteliers a number of rooms in advance, as IETM Meeting  is starting a week before the opening of the Milano Expo 2015 and on the same day as the inauguration of the art gallery Accademia Carrara that had been closed for restoration works for five years.
As you can imagine, Expo will attract millions of people, and Bergamo is located only 50 km away from the scene. We suggest you to book your room by February 28, to have a wide choice of hotels and a significant discount (from 10% to 30%).
After this day prices will be raised!

Please note: you can probably find cheaper accommodation options on the Internet, but if they are not in the list below it means that they’re not “official” B&Bs and Hotels, just private rent rooms.

The page will be updated soon with the information about Bergamo professionals that will be able to host IETM participants.

Booking Information
To book your room, please  send an e-mail to hospitality@discoverbergamo.it.

Send your reservation requests ONLY to the email addresses / links provided by IETM in this list. In case you use other reservation channels, the discount mentioned in our list will not be applicable. Please avoid double reservations, as a booking made through specialized sites cannot be cancelled / reimbursed. Once you have proceeded with a reservation, all further changes / cancellations will be at your charge. 

For additional information about the accommodation or other tourism services for IETM Plenary Meeting in Bergamo, please contact:

Mariangela De Grazia
+39 3456463004

List of Hotels

To see a full list of hotel partners click here

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