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© Consorzio Promozione Turistica della Citta di Bergamo
Panorama Bergamo Mappa Bergamo Bergamo Golf Bergamo servizi esclusivi Hotel Bergamo IETM SPRING MEETING Costantino Rocca Golf Clinic Bergamo
E' una città. Soltanto una città. Ma che città! L’incomparabile, la stupenda si chiama Bergamo (Rudolf Von Klaus)
Si trova in una posizione strategica per visitare Milano e il Nord Italia
Trovarsi sul tee di partenza di un campo tutto da scoprire!
Servizi su misura di livello superiore!
Le migliori strutture presenti in città a vostro completo servizio!
Bergamo Italy, 23- 26 Aprile 2015
Golf Clinic
Per tutti i livelli e per i privati, per gruppi, aziende e istituzioni

The Valleys

bergamo valleys tour, natural beauty of Bergamo
The valleys of Bergamo, surrounded by the crown of the Orobic Prealps, represent natural environments of great attraction for nature lovers, especially hikers who can explore and discover through different kinds of itineraries, greatly suggestive landscapes.

Seriana Valley:
-Clusone gathers precious testimonies tied to the past: the Astronomic Clock of Pietro Fanzago from 1583, the antique Palazzo Comunale from the twelfth century with frescoes on its external walls dated from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries.
The famous Danza Macabra, a fresco studied and visited by artists from all over Europe, dated 1485 with themes tied to the representation of death and much more.
-Rovetta hosts the museum house and workshop of the Fantoni family of artists of wood and marble working in Lombardy from the fifteenth century to 1817 realizing sculptures, incisions and drawings of a sacred and profane character. The major representative was Andrea who realized the Baroque work of art conserved in the Basilica of S. Maria Maggiore in Bergamo, the famous Fantonian confessional.
-Gandino with its museum of sacred art, the rich Basilica of the Assumption, the archaeological and textile museum and the precious buildings that are well-conserved in the antique urban layout.

Brembana Valley:
-San Pellegrino Terme, a renowned thermal spa center since the beginning of the twentieth century, along the banks of the Brembo River and hosting famous thermal springs that attracted the most important people from the Bella Époque to this center lost in the mountains of Valle Brembana.
Witness to this glorious period and the good life is the spectacular Casino in elegant form in Liberty style and the Grand Hotel, a kind of transatlantic with improvements in the rooms occupied by distinguished men and women from the past.Today S. Pellegrino is reliving this antique season of thermal revival with the realization of a modern SPA Center.
-Cornello dei Tasso: antique medieval burgh perfectly conserved with its stone houses and beautiful porticos, home of the renowned dynasty of the Tasso’s, Postmaster in Europe until the 1800s. The little burgh embraces an extraordinary little church with valuable frescoes perfectly restored and a museum dedicated to the postal history of the famous Tasso family.

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