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© Consorzio Promozione Turistica della Citta di Bergamo
Panorama Bergamo Mappa Bergamo Bergamo Golf Bergamo servizi esclusivi Hotel Bergamo IETM SPRING MEETING Costantino Rocca Golf Clinic Bergamo
E' una città. Soltanto una città. Ma che città! L’incomparabile, la stupenda si chiama Bergamo (Rudolf Von Klaus)
Si trova in una posizione strategica per visitare Milano e il Nord Italia
Trovarsi sul tee di partenza di un campo tutto da scoprire!
Servizi su misura di livello superiore!
Le migliori strutture presenti in città a vostro completo servizio!
Bergamo Italy, 23- 26 Aprile 2015
Golf Clinic
Per tutti i livelli e per i privati, per gruppi, aziende e istituzioni

The Tour of Flavors

tour of flavors - Typical dishes of Bergamo and its Province
The land of Bergamo with its many natural landscapes, mountains, hills and plains, offers a palette of gastronomic and wine products of notable variety and quality.
In particular people are rediscovering the great cheeses of our tradition, now present on international tables and considered niche products. This is the case of cheeses with a decisive pungent taste like Taleggio, Formai de Mut, Branzi, Strachì Tunt which have earned a highly respected role in the classification of cheeses not only nationally.
Notable is the production of corn, in the vast countryside in the south-east and west of the territory of Bergamo. Corn has always been the principle ingredient in making polenta, considered the dish of the poor in the past, and now it is being proposed again on the tables of renowned restaurants together with very sophisticated products that promote it to a higher level.
At the end one could not miss out taking at a look at wine making in our territory which is earning great consensus among the producers of “quality wine”, thanks to the careful attention given by the producers from Bergamo who take advantage of the presence of gentle hills that crown the lakes and plains. This gives great value to the precious abilities of the wine producers who are achieving an important supremacy that is sprParticularly famous is the Moscato from Scanzo, a real, true delicacy for wine connoisseurs and also Valcalepio wine.

Five itineraries:
1.COOKING AND THE WINE CELLAR IN THE CASTLE OF GRUMELLO http://www.bergamoguide.it/?l=i&arg=2i1&a=1
2.SHOPPING AND WINES : A SPARKLING DAY IN FRANCIACORTA http://www.bergamoguide.it/?l=i&arg=2i2&a=1
3.WINE TASTING IN THE LAND OF BERGAMO http://www.bergamoguide.it/?l=i&arg=2i3&a=1
4.VISIT TO ISEO AND THE TALLARINI FARM http://www.bergamoguide.it/?l=i&arg=2i4&a=1
5.WINE AND CHEESES ALONG THE MERCATORUM WAY http://www.bergamoguide.it/?l=i&arg=2i5&a=1

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