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© Consorzio Promozione Turistica della Citta di Bergamo
Panorama Bergamo Mappa Bergamo Bergamo Golf Bergamo servizi esclusivi Hotel Bergamo IETM SPRING MEETING Costantino Rocca Golf Clinic Bergamo
E' una città. Soltanto una città. Ma che città! L’incomparabile, la stupenda si chiama Bergamo (Rudolf Von Klaus)
Si trova in una posizione strategica per visitare Milano e il Nord Italia
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Servizi su misura di livello superiore!
Le migliori strutture presenti in città a vostro completo servizio!
Bergamo Italy, 23- 26 Aprile 2015
Golf Clinic
Per tutti i livelli e per i privati, per gruppi, aziende e istituzioni

The Lakes

bergamo lakes
The Lake of Iseo

The alpine lake embraces in its ample basin the biggest lake island in Europe: Montisola, reachable by means of a ferryboat that connects it to various localities of the lake.
The Lake of Iseo is striking for the panorama that surrounds it, formed by the steep snow-covered peaks of the Orobic Prealps to the north, and by the warm tonalities of the woods in autumn that are reflected in all their splendor generating infinite shades in its waters.
One can discover touristically interesting localities along the lake: Sarnico Lake, with Sebino’s shores to the south, the ancient name of this lake, where the basin of water narrows to become the Oglio River. There is a city with its pleasant walkways along the lake, with its historical center full of testimonies of the past, its squares, places pulsating with the life of its abodes in Liberty Style. -Predore with the way of the olives.
-Proceeding along the north-west shore one encounters Tavernola with its characteristic little tourist port and the Fenaroli Tower.
-Riva di Solto, medieval center by the lake with its parish, Martinoni Palace.
-Castro, the smallest medieval center of the lake with its narrow streets in the historical center and a breath-taking road route with extraordinary panoramic views.
-Lovere, the last city on the north of the lake in Bergamo territory, located at the mouth of Val Cavallina, an important lake center made precious by the presence of important testimonials of history and art, located in its churches, in its buildings and along the lake. Lovere also houses an important cultural institution, the Pinacoteca Tadini that gathers works by great masters of painting.

The Lake of Endine

The Lake of Endine is located in the central part of Val Cavallina. It represents a strong call for the tourists that appreciate extraordinary natural panoramas that reflect in its placid waters and the presence of river hamlets that host interesting and unexpected art treasures:
-Monasterolo del Castello with its medieval testimonies and the little St. Anna 1600s church in Ranzanico.
-Bianzano with the Suardi castle.
-Spinone al lago with the very antique Romanic church of St. Pietro in Vincoli.

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